The Voice panel allows you to edit the vocalist's texture, singing style and other nuances.
The settings here will be reflected in the currently focused note group or the entire track.
In the Pro version, cross-lingual synthesis feature of the voice databases allows them to sing in a different language than the recorded language, and to use Vocal Modes to add variety to the expression of the voice.
When the voice database is loaded, the language is automatically set by detecting the lyrics of the notes in the Piano Roll.
Select the language you want to use from the [Language] > [Sing in the following language] menu. Depending on the language, additional options may appear. Languages can only be changed on AI voice databases.
The language of each note can be changed in the "Note Properties panel".
Vocal Modes can be used to change the texture, timbre and mood.
The support status and lineup of Vocal Modes varies for each voice database.
Set each parameter by dragging the slider. These parameters can be changed in the middle of a song using the Parameter Panel.
The values set here are combined with the control points in the Parameter Panel.
For details on each parameter, see Parameter Panel.
Transposes the pitch throughout the song.
You can adjust the following properties:
Sets the rendering mode. This menu is only available on AI voice databases.
For information on pitch mode, see "Pitch Curves Basics".
Sets the default value when the pitch mode of the note is "Singing". The vibrato intensity can be set for each note in the "Note Properties panel".
For information on pitch mode, see "Pitch Curve Basics".
Sets the default value when the note's Pitch Mode is manual.
In manual mode, you can edit the pitch with the Pitch Transition section and the Vibrato section.
These can be set for each note in the Note Properties panel.
See "Note Properties Panel" for details on each parameter.
Settings in the Voice panel can be saved as presets and loaded in other tracks or note groups.
Click [Load/Save Presets...], select the preset you want to delete, and click [Delete].
The preset will be saved in the following location.
- Windows: C:\Users\< username >\Documents\Dreamtonics\Synthesizer V Studio\settings
- macOS: Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Dreamtonics/Synthesizer V Studio/settings